In honor of Marin Ballet’s Birthday, we wanted to share all of the amazing programming we have developed to be a beacon of art in our community. From Be Social, to Culture and Community, to Dance Education Partnerships, Marin Ballet is committed to connection, collaboration, and promoting the art of dance.

Be Social

MB’s  Be Social  engages with students, parents and grandparents, friends and alumni, and our extended community by offering dance experiences at our school and on Zoom. No previous dance training is necessary to join in on the fun!

Over the past few months, we have enjoyed three improv jams at Marin Ballet. An improv jam is like a dance party where participants have full permission to dance however they want, with opportunity to riff off the dancing of other participants and learn from each other (socially distanced of course!). In February, our Valentine’s Day Improv Jam was a sweet celebration of love and dance. We danced to our favorite love songs, old and new, exchanged roses, and let loose.

One improv jam participant reflected, “After so many months in isolation, dancing alone or together but through screens, these improv jams have become a beacon of light. The playfulness and joy that have come from these gatherings has helped me reconnect to myself in a more positive way. I leave each jam brighter. Movement-music-magic-Marin Ballet & Casey, Thank you!”

See what’s up next and RSVP for these events on our website, or email for more information.

Culture and Community

Culture and Community was launched during summer 2020 in direct response to the needs of our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Culture and Community classes are live-streamed, offering explorations in dance genres and stories, dance history, and healthy connections with self and others. We’ve created a special Family Fun Night for households to dance and play together safely from home.  Join in classes, discussions, and gatherings for all ages. No dance experience is needed, but curiosity is required! Feel free to drop in or book a whole series. The class schedule can be found on our website.

A popular Culture and Community class is Family Pilates.  Instructor Bronwen Healy reflects, “We have had many family members join us for our Saturday Culture and Community Pilates class! It has been great to see parents fitting in a workout with their children and some siblings have joined in fun as well!”

Most recently, we offered a special Culture and Community Broadway dance master class and interview with Marin Ballet alumnus Sean Kelly. Senior Marin Ballet dancer Sarah Delima offered her insight into this special event. “This class and classes like it are a great opportunity to try out new styles of dance in a less intimidating environment. Surrounded by your peers, it feels like a safe space to explore. I like the no consequences, just for fun, environment that Mr. Kelly’s class offered. I find that having a little experience in many styles of dance, even if it is just one class, can really improve your abilities in your primary style, as there is a lot of overlap between styles. For example, Broadway dance has helped a lot with my confidence and performance in ballet. I am less scared to put myself out there.” Stay tuned for future master classes by visiting our website and following us on social media.

Dance Education Partnerships

We understand that the transition to online learning has created a need for innovative ways to connect and come together in community. Since March 2020, our faculty has adapted our in-studio classes in over five hundred hours of live-stream teaching online. With this experience, Marin Ballet has developed a new Dance Education Partnership program mindfully designed to fill the need for physical activity, socialization, and fun for all.

We are working with Marin County schools to develop movement-based classes and series of classes that augment curriculum as they see fit. Our format includes a one-hour Zoom class with movement-based games, activities, and music. Activities will be age-appropriate and can be designed to align with curricular goals in science, math, language, visual arts, and/or other performing arts classes like theater. Our experienced faculty will lead the class and tailor the experience to suit the needs of your organization and the students you serve. County guidelines pending, we can also consider having these classes on site at your school.