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Collaborating with Community

Marin Ballet partners with local schools to bring dance education to students

In 2021, Marin Ballet launched its Dance Education Partnership program to support local schools. Our mission is to incorporate dance education into the year-round curriculum of schools in order to fulfill California Arts Standards. Students are exposed to movement vocabularies from diverse cultures and they also choreograph their own dances. Movement-based games augment what students are learning in core subject areas. Activities are age-appropriate and tailored to suit the needs of each school and the students they serve.

Barbara Snekkevik, Principal at the Nicasio School, recently said, “At Nicasio School we recognize the importance of mindful movement, especially during these times of increased screen time due to virtual learning. We are so grateful to Marin Ballet for bringing their expertise to all of our students, including those who would not otherwise have access!”

For more information, and to develop a Dance Education Partnership program at your school, please email Nancy Rehkopf.